No vember 10, 2022
CAP 2022: The payment of the advances of the 2022 application has begun
Payments to agricultural holdings of CAP advances for the 2022 demand will soon begin. The Agea, in fact, has published the circular with the indications and procedures for the disbursement of funds, which for this year amount to 70% of the requested amount. The advance concerns the basic payment scheme (i.e. the titles), the small […]
No vember 7, 2022
New CAP: green light from Brussels to 9 strategic plans
he European Commission has approved the strategic plans of the CAP involving nine countries (Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Spain, Austria and Luxembourg). The new Common Agricultural Policy, which will enter into force on 1 January 2023, in fact provides for national strategic plans that – as a note from the Commission explains […]
Se ptember 28, 2021
Among the targets it is also listed the conversion at least 25% of European agricultural land to organic production, while stimulating demand and ensuring consumer confidence. The new CAP will provide MS with different ways of supporting organic farming.
Au gust 24, 2021
How to stimulate the development of short food supply chains and farmers’ markets through digital platforms?
In the framework of the Strength2Food project, the Policy and practice note from a pilot action led by Coldiretti, with the support of the University of Parma, aimed at raising consumers’ awareness about the benefits associated with FMs.
Au gust 23, 2021
What are the operational groups?
Operational Groups of the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) are instruments to disseminate innovation in the agri-food and forestry sector which aim to identify innovative solutions to specific problems or to promote opportunities for agricultural business.
Au gust 20, 2021
How to stimulate local food sales in supermarkets via in-store priming?
In the framework of the Strength2Food project, recommendations from the pilot action conducted in Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia, aimed at investigating the effectiveness of in-store primes to increase local food sales in supermarkets.
Au gust 16, 2021
How to stimulate local food sales in supermarkets via in-store priming?
In the framework of the Strength2Food project, recommendations from the pilot action conducted in Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia, aimed at investigating the effectiveness of in-store primes to increase local food sales in supermarkets.
Au gust 13, 2021
Interoperability and standardisation
One of the key challenges towards the realization of smart farming solutions is related to the lack of interoperability between different systems and platforms in the agri-food sector, especially the ones offered by different technology providers. It is also a concern for farmers that the technology that they invest in will become outdated.
Au gust 11, 2021
How to stimulate short food supply chains for locally landed seafood?
In the framework of the Strength2Food project, recommendations from the pilot action conducted in North-East England to strengthen the development of new quality markets and short food supply chains (SFSCs) for locally landed seafood.
Au gust 10, 2021
Common organisation of the markets and the new rules for wine sector
To secure the achievements obtained in the Union’s wine sector until now and to achieve a long-lasting quantitative and qualitative balance in the sector through the continued orderly growth of vine plantings, the new CAP introduces some novelties.
Au gust 9, 2021
The Importance of Farm Advisors in the roll out of Digital Technologies
Farm advisors are important actors in the roll out of digital technologies. Dr. Teresa Hooks of H2020 project FAIRshare discusses the farm advisors’ role and how the project is directly addressing the need to engage advisors.
Au gust 5, 2021
Eco-schemes for a greener CAP
The new CAP will pass from “one-size fits-all” approach of the current green payment system to reward system according to which the more committed farmers are in developing sustainable practises, the higher the compensation will be. For this reason, with he new regulation the 25% of the direct payments will be allocated to eco-schemes, providing stronger incentives for climate and environment-friendly farming practices
Au gust 4, 2021
Benefits for farmers from the EU GD
Embedding the concept of sustainability in the way we produce and consume our food will bring benefits for all the actors in the food chain and in particular for farmers. How? Discover it in this factsheet from the EU Commission Source: EU Commission